A pile of coal carries 25 tons, which is just five twelfth of the total tons. If it carries 60% of the total tons, how many tons?

A pile of coal carries 25 tons, which is just five twelfth of the total tons. If it carries 60% of the total tons, how many tons?

36 tons

A pile of Coal Transported 25 tons, which is just 60% of the total tons. How many tons of coal is there?

25 divided by 0.6 equals

After a part of the coal has been transported, there are still 25 tons left, which is exactly the 25 tons transported. How many tons have been transported?

25 △ 25 = 1 (ton) a: 1 ton has been transported away

If x = 9 / y, X and y are not in a positive proportion, why is the numerator of the fraction fixed and the denominator not in a positive proportion to the value of the fraction

If x = Y / 9 can be changed to Y / x = 9 (fixed), then x and y are in positive proportion because their quotient is fixed
The numerator of a fraction is fixed, and the denominator is not in direct proportion to the value of the fraction, because: denominator × fractional value = numerator (fixed), and the product is fixed, which is in inverse proportion