When are fractional values, numerators, and denominators in positive proportion

When are fractional values, numerators, and denominators in positive proportion

When the fraction is constant, the numerator and denominator are in direct proportion
When the denominator is fixed, the fractional value is proportional to the numerator

Can the numerator and denominator be in direct proportion
To use this format, for example:
Circumference and diameter of a circle
Perimeter and diameter are related quantities. Perimeter changes with diameter. Perimeter △ diameter = π (certain), so perimeter and diameter are in direct proportion

Fractional value and denominator
Fractional value and denominator are related quantities. Fractional value changes with the change of denominator. Fractional value x denominator = numerator (certain), so fractional value and denominator are inversely proportional

The numerator of a fraction is fixed, and the value of the fraction is in direct proportion to the denominator______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the relationship between fraction and division, we know that the numerator is equivalent to the divisor, the denominator is equivalent to the divisor, and the fractional value is equivalent to the quotient, so the divisor = quotient × divisor, and the fractional value × denominator = numerator (certain), so the numerator is certain, and the denominator is inversely proportional to the fractional value

What's the ratio between numerator and denominator when the score is fixed

Positive proportion