When an aircraft flies between two cities, it takes 5 hours to go downwind and 6 hours to go upwind. The known wind speed is 24 km / h, so the distance between two cities can be calculated Solve the equation of first degree with one variable

When an aircraft flies between two cities, it takes 5 hours to go downwind and 6 hours to go upwind. The known wind speed is 24 km / h, so the distance between two cities can be calculated Solve the equation of first degree with one variable

Let the flight speed of the aircraft be x km / h
Distance between two cities: (264 + 24) × 5
=1440 km

When a plane flies between the two cities, it takes 5.5h for downwind and 6h for upwind. The known wind speed is 24km / h, and the distance between two balls is 20%

Let the velocity of the plane be x, the distance be 5.5 (x + 24) = 6 (x-24), and the solution is x = 552, the distance be 3168

When the plane flies between cities a and B, the downwind speed is a kilometer per hour, and the upwind speed is B kilometer per hour, then the wind speed is a kilometer per hour______ Kilometers

Let the wind speed be x km / h. according to the meaning of the question: A-X = B + X, the solution is: x = a − B2, then the wind speed is a − B2 km / h. so the answer is: a − B2

When the plane flies between cities a and B, the downwind speed is a kilometer per hour, and the upwind speed is B kilometer per hour, then the wind speed is a kilometer per hour______ Kilometers

Let the wind speed be x km / h. according to the meaning of the question: A-X = B + X, the solution is: x = a − B2, then the wind speed is a − B2 km / h. so the answer is: a − B2