Wang Hua and Zhang Ming are good friends. He goes to school with him every day. What's wrong with this sentence

Wang Hua and Zhang Ming are good friends. He goes to school with him every day. What's wrong with this sentence

Wang Hua and Zhang Ming are good friends, Wang Hua asks him to go to school together every day

After Wang Hua gave Zhang Ming eight exercise books, they had the same number of exercise books. After Zhang Ming gave Wang Hua eight exercise books, Zhang Ming's exercise books were half of Wang Hua's. how many exercise books did Wang Hua have?

Zhang Ming's original 32 + 8 = 40, Wang Hua's 40 + 8x2 = 56, please give me good comments ~ click [evaluation] in the upper right corner, and then you can choose [satisfied, the problem has been solved perfectly]. If you agree with my answer, please accept it in time, ~ your acceptance is my move forward

After Wang Hua gave Zhang Ming eight exercise books, there were as many as two people. After Zhang Ming gave Wang Hua eight exercise books, it was half of Wang Hua's?

Wang Hua 56, Zhang Ming 40

The distance between the two towns is 54 kilometers. A and B ride bicycles from the central station of the two towns in the opposite direction. A travels 11 kilometers per hour, B% per hour
The distance between the two towns is 54 kilometers. A and B ride their bikes in the opposite direction from the central station of the two towns. A travels 11 kilometers per hour, B travels 13 kilometers per hour. When they arrive at the two towns, they return immediately. How many kilometers are their meeting points from the central station

54*2/(11+13)=4.5H 54-4.5*11 =4.5