The total age of Zhang Ming and Wang Hua this year is 27. When Wang Hua was as old as Xiao Ming, their age ratio was 3:4. How old is Wang Hua this year?

The total age of Zhang Ming and Wang Hua this year is 27. When Wang Hua was as old as Xiao Ming, their age ratio was 3:4. How old is Wang Hua this year?

It's a 15, a 12, three years ago, a 12, a 9

A correspondent needs to send the documents to a certain place within the specified time by motorcycle. If he walks 60 kilometers per hour, he will arrive 12 minutes earlier. If he walks 50 kilometers per hour, he will be 7 minutes late. How many kilometers is the distance? Set up a one yuan equation

The distance between the two places is x km