What does motorcycle tire size 80 / 100-14 mean?

What does motorcycle tire size 80 / 100-14 mean?

There are 320 wheels in 100 four wheel cars and two wheel motorcycles. How many cars and motorcycles are there?

First of all, I don't know what your purpose is to ask this question, is it to test everyone's mathematics ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ let me answer: 60 cars, 40 motorcycles! Problem solving steps: assume that the car is x, then the motorcycle is 100-x, and get the formula: 4x + 2 (100-x) = 320, 4x + 200-2x = 320

There are 39 two wheeled motorcycles and three wheeled motorcycles in the parking lot. There are 96 wheels in the two kinds of motorcycles. How many three wheeled motorcycles and two wheeled motorcycles are there?

Let's say it's all two wheelers
39x2 = 78
Tricycle (96-78) / (3-2) = 18
Two wheeler 39 -- 18 = 21

When the wheel rotates, it looks like a whole round surface, which shows that () is expressed mathematically

Linear forming surface