The two trains are facing each other. The express is 280 meters long and the local is 385 meters long. People sitting on the express watch the local run for 11 seconds

The two trains are facing each other. The express is 280 meters long and the local is 385 meters long. People sitting on the express watch the local run for 11 seconds

The relative speed of the two trains is 385 / 11 = 35 m / s because people on the express train watch the local train run for 11 seconds
So on the local train, it takes 280 / 35 = 8 seconds for the express to pass

An express train and a local train run in opposite directions. The length of the express train is 280 meters, and that of the local train is 385 meters. The time for people sitting on the express train to see the local train passing is 11 seconds, so the time for people sitting on the local train to see the express train passing is 11 seconds______ Seconds

The relative speed of the two trains is: 385 △ 11 = 35 (M / s); the time for people on the slow train to see the fast train passing is: 280 △ 35 = 8 (s)