A section of railway is 3km long. What's the scale of the map? Is the railway 1.5cm long? Really

A section of railway is 3km long. What's the scale of the map? Is the railway 1.5cm long? Really

1.5cm vs 300000cm = 15cm vs 300000cm
=1cm is better than 200000cm
A: a section of the railway is 3km long and drawn on a map with a scale of 1cm to 200000cm. The length of the railway is 1.5cm

The actual distance between Hangzhou and Shanghai is about 150 kilometers. On a map with a scale of 1:5 million, it is urgent to draw a few centimeters

150 km = 15 million cm

The total length of a railway line is 168 kilometers. A train has to travel 24 minutes to reach the terminal after three-quarters of the whole journey. How many kilometers does this train travel per hour?
It's urgent. It's coming

168 * (1-3 / 4) / (24 / 60) = 42 * 60 / 24 = 105 km
A: this train travels 105 kilometers per hour

It takes 2 hours for a train to travel 240 km. At this speed, it takes 6 hours to travel from city a to city B. the total length of the railway line between city a and city B is calculated
