It takes 5 hours for car a to go from place a to place B, and 4 hours for car B to go from place B to place A. car a and car B are facing each other from both places at the same time. After a few hours, the two cars meet

It takes 5 hours for car a to go from place a to place B, and 4 hours for car B to go from place B to place A. car a and car B are facing each other from both places at the same time. After a few hours, the two cars meet

1 ÷ (1 / 5 + 1 / 4) = 1 ÷ 9 / 20 = 20 / 9 hours
After 20 / 9 hours, the two cars meet
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Party A and Party B are going from a and B at the same time. After 16 hours of meeting, Party A continues to drive for 20 hours to arrive at B. after meeting, Party B passes by
How many hours to arrive at a

16 * 16 / 20 = 12.8 hours