A batch of chemical fertilizer will be delivered in seven days. How many parts of this batch of chemical fertilizer will be delivered every day? How many days?

A batch of chemical fertilizer will be delivered in seven days. How many parts of this batch of chemical fertilizer will be delivered every day? How many days?

One batch of chemical fertilizer is transported in seven days. On average, one seventh of this batch of chemical fertilizer is transported every day, and five seventh in five days

The same number of bags of chemical fertilizer was delivered by truck a and truck B. after truck a unloaded 17 bags and truck B unloaded 29 bags, the rest of truck a was three times that of truck B
How many bags? Don't use the equation

Car a unloaded 17 bags and car B unloaded 29 bags, so car B unloaded 29-17 = 12 bags more than car a
Because the rest of car a is three times that of car B, the extra 12 bags unloaded are two times that of car B
So car B now has 6 bags, so car B used to have 35 bags
The formula is (29-17) △ 2 + 29 = 35