The transport team transported a batch of rice to the disaster area. In the morning, it took 4 trucks to transport 25, with an average of 20% per truck______ What about the rest of the rice______ The car can't be finished

The transport team transported a batch of rice to the disaster area. In the morning, it took 4 trucks to transport 25, with an average of 20% per truck______ What about the rest of the rice______ The car can't be finished

How many parts of this batch of rice can be transported by each truck on average: 25 △ 4, = 25 × 14, = 110; how many trucks can the rest of the rice be transported by: (1-25) △ 110, = 35 △ 110, = 6 (trucks); a: 110 of this batch of rice can be transported by each truck on average, and the rest of the rice can be transported by 6 trucks

There is a batch of rice to be transported to the grain store. It took 4 trucks to transport 2 / 5 of the rice. What's the average percentage of this batch of rice? Do you need a locomotive to transport the rest of the rice?

If 2 / 5 is transported by 4 trucks, then 2 / 5 △ 4 = 1 / 10 will be transported by each truck, and the remaining 3 / 5 rice needs 3 / 5 △ 1 / 10 = 6 trucks

If each truck carries 3.5t, there will be 3T left; if each truck carries 4T, there will be one less truck
Q: how many cars are there in the fleet? How many tons of goods are there

There are x cars in the fleet
3.5x + 3 = 4 (x-1) results in 14 vehicles in x = 14 fleet
Total cargo: 3.5 × 14 + 3 = 52T

If each vehicle carries 3.5t of goods, 2T of the goods can not be transported; if each vehicle carries 4T of goods, 1t of other goods can be loaded after loading
How many cars? How many tons of goods?

Profit and loss
Vehicle: (2 + 1) / (4-3.5) = 6
Cargo: 4 × 6-1 = 23 tons