A road is 540 kilometers long. One third of the total length was built on the first day, and the remaining one-third was built on the second day. What is the remaining part of the road?

A road is 540 kilometers long. One third of the total length was built on the first day, and the remaining one-third was built on the second day. What is the remaining part of the road?

On the first day, one third of the total length is 180km. On the second day, the remaining one-third is 540-180 = 360km, and the third is 120km. This is the road built on the second day. In the two days, a total of 180 + 120 = 300km was built, and the remaining road is 540-300 = 240km
So 240 / 540 of this road is 4 / 9

To build a road, one fifth of the total length was built on the first day, the remaining one fourth was built on the second day, and a few parts of the total length was built on the second day


A road, the first day to build the full length of 16, the second day to build the first day of 13, the second day to build the full length of 16______ .

16 × 13 = 118; a: the next day, 118 of the whole length was repaired

When a highway is built, one eighth of its total length is built on the first day, which is one third of that on the second day, and a few percent of its total length remains to be built

The next day, 1 / 8 of the total length was repaired △ 1 / 3 = 3 / 8
1-1 / 8-3 / 8 = 1 / 2 of the remaining length
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What is 22 + 66, 66 + 55,

121 .



There is a kind of rectangular steel, which is 2 meters long and has a cross section of 5 cm square. What is its surface area?

The surface area equals two bottom areas plus four sides
Bottom area = 5 * 5 = 25 square centimeter
Side area = 5 * 200 = 1000 square centimeter
So the surface area = 2 * 25 + 4 * 1000 = 4050 square centimeters

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