1:00 is a fraction of a day, and the two days in January are a fraction of the whole month

1:00 is a fraction of a day, and the two days in January are a fraction of the whole month

1:00 is 1 / 24 of a day
Two days in January is 2 / 31 of the whole month

7 out of 6 = days

7 / 6 = 1 and 1 / 6 = 1.166667
I wish you every day!

Five eighths of a meter is a fraction of one meter and a fraction of five meters

One meter divided by five eighths, five meters divided by five eighths

Seven out of eight minus five out of eight can be regarded as seven fractions, minus one out of eight

So it can be seen as 7 1 / 28
So it's minus two 1 / 8
So the difference is a quarter