Traffic accident deaths in China in 2009 Be quick and accurate

Traffic accident deaths in China in 2009 Be quick and accurate

In 2009, there were 238351 road traffic accidents in China, causing 67759 deaths. Source: China News Network selected draft: Wu Yuexia January 9, 2010 News: according to the situation of road traffic accidents in 2009 released by the traffic administration bureau of the Ministry of public security, a total of road traffic accidents occurred in China in 2009

How much of the world's land area is China's territory

The territory area (land part) is about 9.6 million square kilometers, accounting for about 1 / 4 of Asia's land area and 1 / 15 of the world's land area. It is the third most populous country in the world after Russia and Canada

What's the percentage of 2 / 1kg to 7 / 8kg?

One in 175