How many percent less is 20 Jin Ha than 25 kg ha

How many percent less is 20 Jin Ha than 25 kg ha

Less (25-20) △ 25 = 5 △ 25 = 20%
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How many kilos is one sixth more than 30 kilos? Three fourths less than 36 kilos?

35 9

There is a barrel of oil, 30% of which was taken out in the first time, 15 kg more than that in the second time, and there is 3.8 kg left in the barrel. How many kg does this barrel weigh?

(3.8 + 15) △ 1-30% - 30%, = 4 △ 0.4, = 10 (kg). A: this barrel of oil weighs 10 kg

How much is one third more than 45 kg

One third more than 45 kg is 45 and one third