A 4-meter-long wood is sawed five times and divided into the same length averagely. How many parts of the wood is each section? What's the length of each segment?

A 4-meter-long wood is sawed five times and divided into the same length averagely. How many parts of the wood is each section? What's the length of each segment?

1 + 5 = 6 (section): 1 △ 6 = 16, the length of each section is: 4 △ 6 = 23 (m) a: each section is 16 of this wood, and each section is 23 m long

Divide the rope of 8 / 9 meters into 4 sections on average. Find the length of each section, that is, find the fraction of 8 / 9 meters. The result is several meters

One quarter. Two ninths of a meter

The 3 meter long rope is divided into 7 sections on average. How long is each section? How many parts of the total length of each section? We need it now

The 3-meter-long rope is divided into 7 sections, each section is 3 / 7 of the length, and each section is 1 / 7 of the total length

The 78 meter long rope is divided into seven sections, each of which accounts for & nbsp; & nbsp; (& nbsp;) of the total length. The first three sections are______ Rice

(1) The length of each segment: 1 △ 7 = 17; (2) the length of each segment: 78 △ 7 = 18 (m), the length of the first three segments: 18 × 3 = 38 (m); so the answer is: 17, 38