Why isn't the volume of a swimming pool milliliter

Why isn't the volume of a swimming pool milliliter

Volume (volume), the international unit of measurement is: M & # 179; (cubic meter)
Therefore, the swimming pool volume unit, does not use the ML (milliliter) unit

The volume of an object must be larger than its volume

The volume of an object must be larger than its volume
Yes, because the volume of an object refers to the size of the space occupied by the object, and the length measured from the outside. The volume refers to the volume of an object that can be contained in a warehouse, oil bucket, box, etc., which is measured from the inside

To find the volume of a water tank is to find its volume______ (judge right or wrong)

The volume of a wooden box is the volume of the object it can hold. The volume of a wooden box refers to the size of the space it occupies. There is a difference between the two