The decimal point of a number is moved one place to the left, and the number obtained is 2.52 less than the original number. This number is the calculation process of 2.8 The faster the score, the higher

The decimal point of a number is moved one place to the left, and the number obtained is 2.52 less than the original number. This number is the calculation process of 2.8 The faster the score, the higher

This number = 2.52 ^ (1-0.1) = 2.52 ^ 0.9 = 2.8

The decimal point of a decimal is moved one place to the left, and the number obtained is 2.52 less than the original number. This decimal is______ .

2.52 ÷ (1-110), = 2.52 ÷ 910, = 2.8; answer: the decimal is 2.8, so the answer is: 2.8