40 is one third more than 30 and 30 is one fourth less than 40 40 is one third more than 30 and 30 is one fourth less than 40 2. If the number of a is one third more than that of B, the number of B is one third less than that of A The quotient of two fifths divided by a true fraction is greater than two fifths 4. If a: B equals 5:4, then a equals 4, B equals 5 () 5. Pine is one fifth more than cypress, so cypress is one sixth less than pine

40 is one third more than 30 and 30 is one fourth less than 40 40 is one third more than 30 and 30 is one fourth less than 40 2. If the number of a is one third more than that of B, the number of B is one third less than that of A The quotient of two fifths divided by a true fraction is greater than two fifths 4. If a: B equals 5:4, then a equals 4, B equals 5 () 5. Pine is one fifth more than cypress, so cypress is one sixth less than pine

① For (40-30) / 30 = 30 / 10 = 1 / 3 (40-30) / 40 = 10 / 40 = 1 / 4
② Yes, because the weight unit is ton. For example, a is 1 jin more than B, and B is 1 jin less than a
③ For example 2 / 5 △ 1 / 3 = 2 / 5 × 3 / 1 = 6 / 5 > 2 / 5
④ If a is equal to 4 and B is equal to 5, then a ∶ B = 4 ∶ 5
⑤ If the number of cypress trees is regarded as 1, the number of pine trees is 1 + 1 / 5 = 6 / 5. Cypress trees are 1 / 5 △ 6 / 5 = 1 / 6 less than pine trees

Increase a number by 15% to 1.15 times the original

It turned out to be unit 1
The increase of 15% is 1 × (1 + 15%) = 1.15
It is 1.15 / 1 = 1.15 times of the original

Two questions to find the law: 1: 6,13,27,49,), 121,) 2: 6,15,38,65106,),)

1、 The law of 80 is that the difference between before and after is gradually increased by 1 (7,14,22,31,41); the law of 151,216 is that the difference between before and after is gradually increased by 18 (21,53,103,171,257365 (32,50,68,86,108))