How to give interest after the maturity of fixed deposit in China Construction Bank? I have a fixed deposit in China Construction Bank. It's one year's lump sum deposit and withdrawal. It's almost due I started the automatic deposit when I was due. I didn't understand one thing How does the interest be paid to customers? Do I have to withdraw the money when it's due, and when I withdraw it, I'll settle it with interest and principal? If I don't take it when it's due and still deposit it on my card, will there be more regular interest money on my account after it's due? For the first time, if you have no experience, let me know,

How to give interest after the maturity of fixed deposit in China Construction Bank? I have a fixed deposit in China Construction Bank. It's one year's lump sum deposit and withdrawal. It's almost due I started the automatic deposit when I was due. I didn't understand one thing How does the interest be paid to customers? Do I have to withdraw the money when it's due, and when I withdraw it, I'll settle it with interest and principal? If I don't take it when it's due and still deposit it on my card, will there be more regular interest money on my account after it's due? For the first time, if you have no experience, let me know,

To be simple, it means that after one year, if you don't withdraw, the bank will deposit another year according to the principal and interest. If you withdraw after maturity, it will be principal and interest. If you withdraw after two years, you will deposit another year under the condition of one year's principal and interest, If you deposit for three months, this function is more obvious. You don't need to run to the bank every three months. You will automatically withdraw the deposit every three months

According to the national regulations: deposit interest tax = interest × 20%, the annual interest rate of one-year fixed deposit of the bank is 1.98%. Xiaoming has a one-year fixed deposit. If he withdraws all of it after maturity, he can get back 1219 yuan. If Xiaoming's deposit is x yuan, according to the meaning of the question, the equation can be listed as follows______ .

Suppose Xiaoming's deposit is x yuan, then the interest due on the deposit is 1.98% x, the deposit interest tax is 1.98% X × 20%, the sum of after tax principal and interest is x + 1.98% x-1.98% X × 20% = (1 + 1.98% × 80%) x, and the equation is (1 + 1.98% × 80%) x = 1219

The annual interest rate of one-year fixed deposit is 2.25%. If 10000 yuan deposit is subject to 20% interest tax after one year, how much interest tax should be paid?

25% × 1 × 20%, = 10000 × 0.0225 × 1 × 0.2, = 45 yuan; answer: the interest tax should be 45 yuan

The calculation method of interest tax is: interest tax = interest * 20%. A depositor makes a fixed deposit for one year, with an annual interest rate of 2.25%. After one year, the interest tax is deducted
According to the analysis, the interest at maturity of this deposit is 90 yuan______ The principal is______ How much cash does the bank pay to the depositor______ Yuan

Interest tax = principal * interest rate * 20%
Principal = 90 / (2.25% * 20%) = 20000
Interest = principal * interest rate = 20000 * 2.25% = 450
The cash paid by the bank to the depositor is 450-90 = 360