Uncle Wang deposits 1500 yuan into the bank with an annual interest rate of 2%. How much is the interest due in one year? (20% interest tax) 12: Reply before 45

Uncle Wang deposits 1500 yuan into the bank with an annual interest rate of 2%. How much is the interest due in one year? (20% interest tax) 12: Reply before 45

Total interest: 1500 * 0.02 = 30
Annual interest income: 30-30 * 20% = 24 yuan

Mr. Wang deposits 2500 yuan into the bank. After deducting 20% of the interest, he gets the sum of principal and interest of 2650 yuan. If the annual interest rate of this kind of deposit is x, then the equation ()
A. 2500(1+x)=2650B. 2500(1+x%)=2650C. 2500(1+x•80%)=2650D. 2500(1+x•20%)=2650

The annual interest rate of this kind of deposit is X. after one year's maturity, the principal and interest of Uncle Wang's deposit are 2500 (1 + x) ∵ 20% interest tax will be deducted ∵ the principal and interest are 2500 + 2500x (1-20%). The equation can be listed as follows: 2500 + 2500x (1-20%) = 2650

Xiaogang deposits the new year's money in the bank on a fixed basis for one year. If the annual interest rate of the fixed deposit is 4.14%, the interest tax rate is 5%, and the money will be withdrawn at maturity
Xiaogang deposits the new year's money in the bank on a fixed basis for one year. If the annual interest rate of one year's fixed deposit is 4.14%
The rate of interest tax is 5%. After deducting the interest tax, the sum of small capital and interest is 519.665 yuan
How many yuan does Xiao Gang deposit in the bank?

Xiao Ming's lucky money in the bank is 500 yuan