What is the sum of the numbers of series 1, 2, 3, 4, --, 2007, 2008

What is the sum of the numbers of series 1, 2, 3, 4, --, 2007, 2008

(1 + 2008) x2008 / 2 = 2017036d represents tolerance

A kilogram of apple and a kilogram of grape are 21.6 yuan in total. The price of grape per kilogram is eight times that of apple. How many yuan are each of apple and grape per kilogram

Let the price of apple be x yuan
Grape 8 × 2.4 = 19.2
Apple is 2.4 yuan per kilogram, grape is 19.2 yuan per kilogram
Is this grape so expensive? Is it Cabernet Sauvignon?

There are 140 kg of apples in the store. Pears are twice as big as apples and four times as big as grapes. How many kg of grapes are there?

140 × 2 △ 4 = 70 (kg). A: grapes have 70 kg

A total of 3000 kg of new fruits arrived from the fruit wholesale and marketing department. Apples account for 25% of the fruits, which is 3 / 4 of oranges. Pears are 20% less than oranges. The rest are grapes
1】 Apple mass ratio () kg [2] pear mass ratio () kg [3] Orange mass ratio () kg [4] grape mass ratio () kg [5] total mass ratio () kg

The fruit wholesale market department has a new batch of 3000 kg fruits. Apples account for 25% of this batch of fruits, which is 3 / 4 of oranges. Pears are 20% less than oranges. The others are grapes. The weight of apples is (750) kg, that of pears is (800) kg, that of oranges is (1000) kg