The price of a chair is 14 times that of a table. Mr. Wang bought 12 sets of tables and chairs, which cost 2250 yuan. How much is a table?

The price of a chair is 14 times that of a table. Mr. Wang bought 12 sets of tables and chairs, which cost 2250 yuan. How much is a table?

Suppose the price of a table is x yuan, then the price of a chair is 14x yuan. According to the meaning of the question: 12x + 14x × 12 = 2250, 12x + 3x = 2250, & nbsp; 15x = 2250, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 150; a: a table is 150 yuan

Xiao Liang's father bought him a set of computer desk and chair. The price of a chair is 45 yuan, which is 12.5 yuan cheaper than a desk. It's a desk______ Yuan

45 + 12.5 = 57.5 yuan a table costs 57.5 yuan

The school bought six sets of desks and chairs, which cost 1638 yuan. It is known that the price of a desk is 3.2 times that of a chair. How much is the price of a desk?

Ordinary algorithm bought 6 sets, a total of 1638, so the price of each set is: 1638 / 6 = 273 yuan, set a chair X Yuan, the table is 3.2X yuan, there is 3.2X + x = 273, the solution of x = 65 (chair) table is 3.2 * 65 = 208

On the nicknames of the sun and Phoenix in ancient times
Another name in ancient China is another name besides Phoenix and sun. It must be true. Don't create it by yourself or others!

The nickname of the sun
Baiju golden tiger chiwu Yang Wujin Wujin wheel fire wheel
Chilun sundial, jingben sundial, Zhu Xixi and Yangjing Daming
Bright and bright
The sun of spring
Scorching sun in summer
Morning sun -- morning sun, morning sun, morning sun, morning light, morning halo, morning sunrise, morning scenery
The sun at dusk -- sunset, twilight, twilight, sunset, setting sun, setting sun
The male is called Feng, and the female is called Huang
Vermilion, danniao, Firebird and chicken

Why: rare is 70 years old, Huajia is 60 years old, zhitianming is 50 years old, no doubt is 40 years old, and Li is 30 years old

It's time to start a family and a business at 30
40 years old should be intelligent and have no doubts
50 years old, half of life, to comply with the fate of it
60 years old, gray hair, life has been a class
70 years old is a long life in ancient times, so it is called ancient rare

What are the names of thirty, forty, fifty, sixty and seventy? How old is octogenarianism?

Thirty years old
40 years old: no doubt
50 years old: know the destiny
, 60 years old,: Carapace
Seventy years old: ancient and rare
Octogenarians: 80, 90 years old

What do you call a 70 year old man in ancient times?

Ancient and rare: it's not easy for ancient people to live to 70 years old. Du Fu wrote a poem: "wine debt is common everywhere, life is rare in 70 years old."
Gu Xi Shou: refers to the 70th birthday. It comes from Du Fu's poem "life is seventy years old and rare"
The year of the rare, the year of suspension, the year of stick: all refer to 70 years old
Old age: the age of 70 or 80 years old, generally referring to old age
The year of Zhang Wei: refers to 70 years old
Zhongshou: Seventy is Zhongshou
The year of suspension: refers to 70 years old
77 years old
Xi Shou: refers to 77 years old, cursive Xi character like 77, so it specifically refers to 77 years old

What is the ancient people's name for time

Ancient twelve hour
Midnight, also known as midnight and midnight: the first hour of the twelve hours (23:00-01:00 Beijing time)
[ugly time] Jiming, also known as the wild chicken: the second hour of the twelfth hour. (Beijing time 01:00-03:00)
Yinshi: Pingdan, also known as dawn, morning and daydan, is the time when night and day alternate (Beijing time 03:00 to 05:00)
Sunrise, also known as the beginning of the sun, the breaking of dawn and the rising of the sun, refers to the time when the sun just appears and rises. (05:00-07:00 Beijing time)
Chenshi, also known as Zaoshi, is the time of breakfast in ancient China (07:00-09:00 Beijing time)
Yuzhong, also known as riyu, is called Yuzhong near noon (09:00-11:00 Beijing time)
[noon] rizhong, also known as rizheng, noon, etc. (11:00-13:00 Beijing time)
(Beijing time: 13:00-15:00)
[Shenshi] Yushi, also known as RI Pu, Xi Shi, etc. (Beijing time 15:00 to 17:00)
It means the time when the sun sets. (Beijing time is from 17:00 to 19:00)
[Xu Shi] dusk, also known as sunset, sunset, day night, etc.: at this time, the sun has set, and the sky will be dark. The sky and the earth are dim, and everything is hazy, so it is called dusk. (19:00-21:00 Beijing time)
[Haishi] rending, also known as dinghun, etc.: at this time, the night is deep, and people have stopped their activities and have a rest. Rending is also Renjing. (21:00-23:00 Beijing time)

How to write the English words of


The 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th and 90th English words

The fortieth
The fiftieth
The sixties
The seventieth
The eightieth
The ninetieth