20 articles within 35 words (100 points added) I need 20 English diaries less than 35 words, long ones don't need 30 short ones. Finally, because it's a mobile phone question, I can only offer 20 points as a reward. After you answer the question, I will give you additional points

20 articles within 35 words (100 points added) I need 20 English diaries less than 35 words, long ones don't need 30 short ones. Finally, because it's a mobile phone question, I can only offer 20 points as a reward. After you answer the question, I will give you additional points

1.today is Sunday.the weather is very well.i wanted to go for a walk.mother told me she would acompany me.I was very happy.2.today is moday.I went to gradapa’s house.He was very happy when saw me.He ...

Add the operation symbol between some numbers of 16 eights to make the equation hold, and the number is 1995
You can just do the first one
Today is the day
Can be between 8 without symbols, such as 88888


Add operational symbols between the numbers to make the equation hold (subject)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9=5
Fill in the operation symbol in the middle of 123456789, please

1+ 2 + 3 + 4-5 - 6 + 7+8 - 9=5

Add appropriate operation symbols between the following numbers to make the equation true
Add the appropriate symbol!
