The scale is 26 cm on a 1:250000 map. How many cm is it on a 1:2000000 map? fast

The scale is 26 cm on a 1:250000 map. How many cm is it on a 1:2000000 map? fast


On a map with a scale of 1:2000000, the measured distance between the two places is 38cm, and the actual distance is ()

2000000cm = 20km
38 times 20 = 760 km
1: 2000000 means one centimeter on the map, the actual distance is 20km, the total is 38cm, so 38 * 20 = 760 (km)
If () is followed by a unit meter, it should be 760000 meters

On a map with a scale of 1:2000000, the distance between a and B is 2.8cm,
The distance between a and B is about to be drawn,

The actual distance between a and B is 2.8 × 2000000 = 5600000 cm
Therefore, on a map with a scale of 1:250000, the distance between a and B should be 5600000 △ 250000 = 22.4cm