It's about 320 kilometers from Nanjing to Shanghai. It's drawn on a map with a scale of 1:4000000. What's the distance between the two places on the map?

It's about 320 kilometers from Nanjing to Shanghai. It's drawn on a map with a scale of 1:4000000. What's the distance between the two places on the map?

On a map with a scale of 1:1000000, the distance between a and B is 5cm. How many kilometers is the actual distance?
5 × 1000000 = 5000000 (CM) 5000000 cm = 50 km
Even if it comes out

Actual distance = distance on the map △ scale
What is the actual distance
5 △ 1 / 1000000 = 5000000 (CM) = 50 (km)

The distance on the map is 5 cm and the scale is 1.6:10000

5: Actual distance = 1.6:10000
1.6 × actual distance = 5 × 10000
Actual distance = 5 × 10000 △ 1.6 = 31250 (CM) = 312.5 (m)