The actual distance is 10000 times of the distance on the map. What is the scale of this map? It means that 1 cm on the map means the actual number of meters?

The actual distance is 10000 times of the distance on the map. What is the scale of this map? It means that 1 cm on the map means the actual number of meters?

The actual distance is 10000 times of the distance on the map. What is the scale of this map?
How many meters does one centimeter on the graph represent?
One centimeter is the actual 100 meters
This is the first answer. I wish you progress!

When the scale of a map of China is 1:10000, what is the distance between Beijing and Taipei? What is the actual distance between them?

According to the map
I measured it for you
The shortest distance from Taipei to Beijing
It's 1696 km. It's not much different
My map scale is 1cm: 80km
The length from Taipei to Beijing is 21.3cm
So 21.3 x 80 km = 1704 km)

On a map, the scale is 1:20000. The actual distance is 600 meters. How many meters is the distance on the map? Thank you

600m = 60000cm
That is: the figure is 3cm

The distance on the map is 9 cm, the actual distance is 180 km, and the scale is 2.5 cm. The actual distance is 1:20000
The distance on the map is [] the actual distance is 250km, and the scale is 1:50000

The distance on the map is 9cm, the actual distance is 180km, and the scale is [1:2000000]
The distance on the map is 2.5cm, the actual distance is [500m] and the scale is 1:20000
The distance on the map is [500cm], the actual distance is 250km, and the scale is 1:50000