The theme of this Olympic Games is "(), (), ()" and the slogan is "() ()" in this Olympic Games

The theme of this Olympic Games is "(), (), ()" and the slogan is "() ()" in this Olympic Games

The 29th Olympic Games was held in 2008. The theme of the Games is that China held the 29th Summer Olympic Games in 2008. The theme of the Games is "Green Olympics", "high tech Olympics", "people's Olympics" and the slogan is "one world" (one dream) ". In the games, China won 51 gold medals

How many summer Olympic Games did China hold in 2008? The theme of this Olympic Games is the slogan, which is how many gold medals will Chinese athletes win in this Olympic Games
The largest waterfall in China is the longest and oldest man-made canal in China. It is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world and the first atomic bomb in China. It was successfully exploded at the Lop Nur experimental site in on
The abbreviations of WTO UFO CCTV stand for () () ()

In 2008, China held the 29th Summer Olympic Games. The theme of the Olympic Games is "Green Olympics", "science and technology Olympics", "people's Olympics" and the slogan is "one world" (one dream) ". In this games, China has won 51 gold medals. The biggest waterfall in China is" Huangguoshu waterfall "

The whole process is required: a sprinter creates good results in 100m and 200m dash events in the Olympic Games, and his results are 9.70s and 19.30s respectively. It is assumed that his reaction time from starting to starting is 0.15s in 100m race. After starting, he does uniform acceleration. In 200m race, the reaction time and acceleration time after starting are the same as those in 100m race, However, due to the influence of curve and physical strength, the average speed in the future is only 95% of the maximum speed when running 100 meters. How much is the average speed of running 100 meters and 200 meters respectively? (2) the maximum speed of running 100 meters? (the results keep three significant figures) half an hour,
Request the whole process, the faster the more wormwood, half an hour can do it forward to me! Fast, fast, fast

The average velocity of 100m is v = s / T = 100 / 9.55 = 10.47m/s
1 / 2 (VT + VO) = V (average speed at 100m) VO = 0, then VT = 10.47 * 2 = 20.9m/s (maximum speed at 100m)
The average velocity of 200m is v = 20.9 * 95% = 17.76m/s

Bolt, a famous sprinter, has set new world records in 100m and 200m sprint events in Beijing Olympic Games. His results are 9.69s and l9.30s respectively. Suppose that his reaction time from starting to starting is 0.15s in 100m race, and he does uniform acceleration after starting, and does uniform acceleration after reaching the maximum speed. In 200m race, the reaction time and acceleration and acceleration time in acceleration stage after starting However, due to the influence of curve and physical strength, the average speed in the future is only 96% of the maximum speed in the 100m race? Why? (2) Acceleration time and maximum speed: (3) acceleration of uniform acceleration after starting

(1) In the 200m race, the displacement is not 200m, so the average speed can not be calculated by 20019.30m/s, so the average speed is not 10.37m/s. (2) the acceleration time, reaction time and the maximum speed V are 0 + v2t + V (T1 − Δ t − T) = X1 in the 100m race and 0 + v2t + 96% v (T2 − Δ t − T) = x2 in the 200m race. The simultaneous solution is t = 1.29, v = 11.24m/s. (2) after starting, make a uniform increase The solution is: a = VT = 11.241.29m/s2 = 8.71m/s2 A: (1) no, because 200m is not displacement; (2) the acceleration time is 1.29s and the maximum speed is 11.24m/s; (3) the acceleration of even acceleration after starting is 8.71m/s2