In all natural numbers from 1 to 200, how many are multiples of 3, 4 and 5?

In all natural numbers from 1 to 200, how many are multiples of 3, 4 and 5?

The least common multiple of 3,4,5 is 3 × 4 × 5 = 60
A number that is a multiple of 3, a multiple of 4, and a multiple of 5 must be the common multiple of their three
Among all the natural numbers from 1 to 200, there are 60120180, a total of 3
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Among the natural numbers from 1 to 100, how many are the multiples of 3 and 5?

The number of multiples of 3 is 3 69 12 15.99, and the number is 33
The number of multiples of 5 is 5 10 15 20.100, and the number is 20
The number of multiples of 3 and 5 is 15 30 45 60 75 90, and the number is 6
So there are 33 + 20-6 = 47 multiples of 3 and 5

The sum of a natural number and its reciprocal is 5.2______ .

2 into a fraction is 515515 = 5 + 15, 5 × 15 = 1; so the natural number is 5

English translation
The only thing more lamentable than repeating history because we failed to learn from our mistakes would be repeating history because others failed to learn from them

Would be when the subject is the only thing verb
So the two causes are in different structures
Compared with other people's mistakes of repeating history because they can't learn from their past mistakes, the only thing that is more regrettable is that we repeat our past mistakes because we don't learn from our past mistakes

English translation
A method for refractometer measuring,in which a beam of rays emitted from a light source is transmitted to the interface between the optical window of a refractometer and the liquid to be measured, whereby part of the beam of rays is reflected back from the liquid and part is absorbed into the liquid and an image is produced in which the position of the boundary between a light and dark area depends on the critical angle of total reflection,the critical angle being a function of concentration of liquid, and in which the boundary between the light and dark area of the image is determined by light detectors arranged in a line.For good resolution, to the measuring data obtained from the light detectors is applied a mathematical model corresponding with the information provided by the measuring data and the position of the boundary is determined by means of this model.

A method of refractometer measurement in which a beam of light is emitted from the light source and transmitted to the interface between the optical window and the refractometer of the liquid, To measure a part of the reflected back beam of light from the liquid and a part of it is absorbed into the liquid and an image is generated in the boundary area between the position of a light and a dark angle depending on the limit of reflection, critical total as a function
The image of the boundary area between the light and the dark is arranged in a line by the photodetector. Because of the good resolution, the photodetector obtained from the measurement data is determined by applying the mathematical model and the corresponding information provided by the measurement data and positioning the boundary

English translation
Home address: Room 202, unit 2, building B2, Jinmao world city community, Beijing Road, Yining, Xinjiang

Room 202, unit 2, building B2, Jinmao world city community, Beijing Road, Yining City, Xinjiang
Room202, Unit 2, Building B2, JinmaoShijie Cheng, Beijing Road, Yi'ning, Xin'jiang

English translation
Jim's pronunciation is very standard. Please read the text aloud. I want to remember the poem firmly. I'm bored. I can't pronounce the word. Antonio is a great psychologist. I'm afraid of spiders

Jim's pronunciation is very formal. Please read the text aloud please. I want to remember this poem firmly, He is a great psychologist. I am afraid of spiders. Thank you for your support!

English translation
Packaging has been tested and verified and where required,approved by user ,approval enclosed from purchasing and manufacturing site .

The package has been confirmed by test and approved by the user where necessary. The approval documents of purchase and manufacturing site are attached

English translation
The PPAP is at the Requested Submission Level per Walbo instructions

Submit PPAP request for walbo instruction

English translation
What's mean by XXX? What's mean by XXX?
1. At the beginning, I said that my English is not very good, please don't mind?,
What do you think of this place

XXX? What does it mean?
What's the mean by XXX. This expression is wrong. Because is and mean in what's are verbs
What's the meaning of XXX
2. Since it's at the beginning, I guess you mainly want to express that your oral English is not very good. You can say this: my English is a little broken, hope you won't mind
3. How's this place