What are the numbers of factors that are 18 and 27

What are the numbers of factors that are 18 and 27


What is the greatest common factor of 12.18 24.16 26.13 27.19!

The greatest common factor of 12.18 is 6;
The greatest common factor of 24.16 is 8
The greatest common factor of 26.13 is 13
The greatest common factor of 27.19 is 1

15. The least common multiple of 25 and 45, the least common multiple of 24, 18 and 36, the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of 24, 18 and 45
Please divide the questions one by one, they are confused

15. The least common multiple 225 of 25 and 45
The least common multiple 72 of 24, 18 and 36
The least common multiple 360 of 24, 18 and 45
Greatest common divisor 3

English translation
"My parents thought me a purple purple," laughs CuO Xiaojing. "It really made me feel embarassed, because to be honest, I thought the purple was really ugly!"!

Because, to be honest
’My parents bought me a purple purse. "CuO Xiaojing said with a smile." it made me feel very embarrassed, because, to be honest, I think it's really ugly

I will be seventeen next month

There is a song in the "sound of music" movie
I'm going to 17 (years old) next month.
That's what Lisa and her boyfriend sang in the rain

English to Chinese (25,26)
First, Laoshan mountain. Second, the sea is very huge. Third, we miss you a lot!

First: Laoshan Mountain (in Qingdao): Laoshan Mountain
The sea is very big
We miss you a lot
I miss you very much
Fourth: look after and take care of both have the meaning of care and care. What's the difference between them? How to distinguish them in time? Please advise
Look after: can not be used to care for the elderly, can only be their own generation or below
Take care of: can be used to care for the elderly and other levels

Translation from English to Chinese (Part 8)
Then cut the fruit into small pieces.Bananas and apples after being cut turn brown quickly.
Please advise

Then cut the fruit into small pieces.Bananas and apples after being cut turn brown quickly.
Then cut the fruit into pieces. Bananas and apples turn brown quickly after cutting
If you are satisfied, please remember to adopt it. Thank you (*^__ ^*(laughter)

English to Chinese (newspaper 26)
First, the town is close enough to a city. Second, I hate being the new child!

This town is close enough to the city. I hate to be a strange child

English translation
Nelson7 has collected and summarized energy release rate data for various commodities and
materials,giving rough indications of growth rate and peak energy release rates.His data is given
in Table 3.6.

Nelson 7 collects and summarizes energy release rate data for various commodities and materials, growth rates and rough indications of peak energy release rate. His data overview is shown in table 3.6

English translation
How to translate these two phrases into English in my undergraduate and master's degree,

In my undergraduate stage,
in my postgraduate stage