How does the number three five one equal to 24 Add, multiply, divide, subtract

How does the number three five one equal to 24 Add, multiply, divide, subtract

1:5 × (5 - 1 ÷ 5)
2:5 × (5 - (1 ÷ 5))
3:(5 - 1 ÷ 5) × 5
4:(5 - (1 ÷ 5)) × 5

Fill 10, 14, 15, 21, 30, 45 in the circle to make the product of three numbers on each side of the triangle equal and the solution
I've been calculating for a long time. If I change 45 to 42, it should be right. Then help me recalculate 10, 14, 15, 21, 30 and 42
The picture doesn't come out

There is a way! 10 = 2 * 514 = 2 * 715 = 3 * 521 = 3 * 730 = 2 * 1545 = 3 * 155, 7, 15 only have two numbers, so the place can only be in one vertex, one in the middle of the opposite side