“1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,134……” This seems to be an interesting bepoche sequence in mathematics. The most important feature of this sequence is: --

“1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,134……” This seems to be an interesting bepoche sequence in mathematics. The most important feature of this sequence is: --

The third number is equal to the sum of the first two numbers

Given finite sequence 4 / 5,9 / 10,16 / 17,25 / 26, find the general term formula of this sequence

The molecule is square
Denominator greater than 1
That is, (n + 1) & sup2; / (n & sup2; + 2n + 2)

Write a general term formula of the following sequence so that the first four terms are (1) 1 / 2,4 / 5,9 / 10,16 / 17 respectively
(2) 1,-1,1,-1
