Place the table and chair according to the following figure, 6 people can sit at one table, 10 people can sit at two tables Thirty tables can seat () people

Place the table and chair according to the following figure, 6 people can sit at one table, 10 people can sit at two tables Thirty tables can seat () people

One table can seat 6 people, two tables can seat 10 people There are (122) people at 30 tables

One table can seat four people, two tables can seat six people, ten tables can seat how many people? N tables can seat how many people?

Ten tables can seat 22 people. N tables can seat 2n + 2

One table for four people, two tables for six people, three tables for eight people, four tables for ten people. How many people can n tables hold?
Such as the title


Four people can sit at one table, six people can sit at two tables, eight people can sit at three tables,... According to this, how many people can sit at 10 tables in a row? For example, how many people can sit at 48 tables
One table for four people, two tables for six people, three tables for eight people,... According to this, how many people can 10 tables in a row? If there are 48 people, how many tables do you need? Please don't use the equation. I haven't learned how to write the clearing form and process

There are four people at one table, the number of people is 2 + 2 × 1
There are 6 people at two tables, the number of people is 2 + 2 × 2
There are 8 people sitting at three tables, the number is 2 + 2 × 3
10 seats in a row: 2 + 2 × 10 = 22 (person)
Table for 48 persons: (48-2) △ 2 = 23