What is the greatest common factor of 51 and 33?

What is the greatest common factor of 51 and 33?


What is the greatest common factor of 17 and 68______ The least common factor is______ .

Because 68 △ 17 = 4, that is, 68 and 17 are multiples, the greatest common factor of these two numbers is 17, and the least common multiple is 68; so the answer is: 17, 68

Examples: 7,11,19,27,39,51,67, () a.76 b.87 c.82 d.79
I can't find the law of the second order arithmetic sequence. I ask you to explain it

The prime number is 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
The number added is 24 8 14 22 32 44 58
The result is 7 11 19 27 39 51 67 87
The answer is B

