When calculating a division problem, Li Ming mistakenly regards the divisor 62.7 as 627, and the quotient obtained is 51.3 greater than the correct quotient. What is the divisor of this problem?

When calculating a division problem, Li Ming mistakenly regards the divisor 62.7 as 627, and the quotient obtained is 51.3 greater than the correct quotient. What is the divisor of this problem?

Let this number be X
Set up the equation according to the meaning of the title

When calculating a division, take the divisor 62.7 as 627, and the quotient obtained is 51.3 greater than the correct quotient. What is the divisor of this division?

It's very simple. The divisor is increased by 10 times, and the quotient is also increased by 10 times, that is, by 9 times. So 51.3 divided by 9 is 5.7

Clever calculation: 238 / 375 * (465 / 587-627 / 731) + 465 / 587 * (627 / 731-238-375) + 627 / 731 * (238 / 375-465 / 587)
/=Fraction line * = multiplication sign

Split first, then merge the similar items with the same denominator