A 800 word composition on the topic of "safety" The theme is handshake, safety and life protection~ It's urgent to write this composition at the level of junior high school students! Within 3 days

A 800 word composition on the topic of "safety" The theme is handshake, safety and life protection~ It's urgent to write this composition at the level of junior high school students! Within 3 days

Students, do you pay attention to safety? You will say with one voice: "yes." but, do you know? When riding a bicycle, some students may forget to pay attention to safety. Once, I went for a walk in the street and saw a child riding a bicycle. He rode very fast and rampaged. I and other people in the street

Introduction to Du Fu's article
The style is unlimited, about one thousand words
Fast. Fast. It's better to be like the composition type of college entrance examination, with clear central meaning

When I came here, it was the season when the thatched cottage was broken by the autumn wind. Heaven seemed to be deliberately creating a feeling of nostalgia for the ancients, like deliberately letting people taste a kind of Life Implication - the chapter abhors life! Thatched cottage and thatched cottage, thatched cottage and Du Fu thatched cottage, a great habitat of the life of the great poet, which is related to a