Need a dialogue with Li Bai or Du Fu composition 800 words

Need a dialogue with Li Bai or Du Fu composition 800 words

For an article about Du Fu

Please enlarge an article of 500 words according to Du Fu's Wangyue
How about daizongfu? Qilu is still green
The clock is beautiful, and Yin and Yang dim the dawn
Swing chest health stratus, canthus into the bird
When the summit will be Ling, a list of small mountains

This is a poem of expressing one's will. I will write four poems from the perspectives of distant vision, near vision, close vision and wish
It's said that Mount Tai is magnificent, but I don't know what the real scene is like. I ride my horse on the land of Qilu, and I see that the green mountain seems to have no end. Looking at the mountain, I just got to the foot of the mountain. Standing at the foot of the peaks, I suddenly feel like "looking up at the mountain". There are two kinds of official feelings in the distance and near view of Mount Tai
It seems that because of the partiality of nature, Taishan has gathered the spirit and essence of heaven and earth. The plants and trees of the world are different from each other. The mountains and streams are bubbling out. It is refreshing and pleasant. I love the morning sun, the sunshine of the birth, and the extraordinary beauty. I also love the light of the dusk, which makes people want to keep it. Taishan is lofty and tall, and Shannan and Shannxi are divided into one bright and one dark. If it is morning and dusk, you can see the beauty of dawn and dusk in one moment. How can you find it in other places? In other words, where is the mountain higher than Mount Tai?
Why don't I climb the mountain and savor it carefully? My horse has long forgotten it, and I don't even bother to tie it. The magnificence of Mount Tai is deep into the sky, and the mist is rising, which makes my heart excited. You can touch the cloud with your hand. It turns out that the cloud can be so close to me, or you can be my companion, but it used to be just the cloud, which is too high to be climbed. I can also see the beautiful scenery of flying birds returning to the mountain, I try my best to open my eyes as if I want to split my eyes. Birds fly freely. When they come to Mount Tai, they will be admired, left and inhabited. They show Yin and Yang. What's wrong with the realm of creation?
Today, even if I'm exhausted, I'm going to climb the peak of Mount Tai. It must be another kind of impassable feeling. If I don't climb Mount Tai, I'm only down-to-earth. Now I'm on the top of Mount Tai, overlooking the mountains. It's so small that it's the real zenith. "Climbing Mount Tai and making the world small" ah! These mountains are not obstacles in my official way, It's not my obstacle on the road. As long as I climb to the highest peak, what can they count? I admire heaven and earth and praise my own spring and autumn. If a person can climb to the peak, all kinds of obstacles and pains in the past are nothing. What's more, I have no fear of the future! I, Du Fu, swear: "it's necessary to climb to the top of life in my lifetime."
——Hong Jiayi on the sea