1,11,211211111221, what's the next number?

1,11,211211111221, what's the next number?

The rule is: 111 --- indicates that the previous number "1" is a 1; 21 --- indicates that the previous number "11" is composed of two 1s; 1211 --- indicates that the previous number "21" is composed of one 2 and one 1; 111221 --- namely 11 12 21, indicates that the previous number "1211" is composed of one 1, one 2 and two 1s in turn; so the next one is 312211

1, 11, 21, 121, (), (), (), what are the last three numbers

The rules are as follows
11 --- indicates that the previous number "1" is a 1;
21 --- indicates that the previous number "11" is composed of two ones;
1211 --- indicates that the previous number "21" is composed of one 2 and one 1;
111221 --- i.e. 11 12 21, which means that the previous number "1211" consists of one 1, one 2 in turn,
It consists of two parts and one part;
312211 --- that is, 312211, which means that the previous number "111221" is composed of three 1's, two 2's in turn,
One is composed of one;
Therefore, 13112221 should be filled in the next number, that is, 13 11 22 21, which means that the previous number "312211" is composed of one 3, one 1, two 2 and two 1 in turn;
Similarly, the next number is filled with 1113213211 according to "13112221", which means that the previous number "13112221" is composed of one 1, one 3, two 1, three 2 and one 1 in turn
Paste the answer, I can't think out. Ha ha

Fill in the numbers according to the following rules: 9, 3, 1_______ 1 out of 9, 1 out of 27______ .

9、3、1、___ 1 / 3____ 1 out of 9, 1 out of 27__ One out of 81____ .

Fill in the numbers 1, - 3,9, - 27 and the sixth number according to the rule
