How do you calculate four out of fifteen plus one in twenty-five and multiply fifteen by twenty-five

How do you calculate four out of fifteen plus one in twenty-five and multiply fifteen by twenty-five

(4 / 15 + 1 / 25) × 15 × 25
=4 of 15 × 15 × 25 + 1 of 25 × 15 × 25
=(4 / 15) × 25 + (1 / 25) × 15

1, 3.2: 2.5 and 8 / 25: 1 / 4 2. 15 / 3: 2 / 5 and 36 minutes: 1 / 3 hour group proportion to process

Fifteen thirds: two fifths
36 minutes: one third of an hour
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-14 2 / 3 + 11 2 / 15 - (- 12 2 / 3) - 14 + (- 11 2 / 15) =?

Original form
=(- 14 2 / 3 + 12 2 / 3) + (11 2 / 15-11 2 / 15) - 14