Several practical problems of common factor and common multiple in middle school mathematics 1. The greatest common factor of two numbers is 30, and their least common multiple is 180. Given that one number is 180, find another number? 2. From one end of the playground to the other end, the total length is 96 meters. In the past, a small red flag was inserted every 4 meters from one end to the other end. Now it is necessary to insert a small red flag every 6 meters. How many small red flags can't be pulled out?

Several practical problems of common factor and common multiple in middle school mathematics 1. The greatest common factor of two numbers is 30, and their least common multiple is 180. Given that one number is 180, find another number? 2. From one end of the playground to the other end, the total length is 96 meters. In the past, a small red flag was inserted every 4 meters from one end to the other end. Now it is necessary to insert a small red flag every 6 meters. How many small red flags can't be pulled out?

Because the total length of the sports ground is 96, there is one red flag every 4 meters, which means that there are 24 red flags divided by 4. Because it is changed to 34 = 12, 22 = 12 every 6 meters, two red flags are pulled out every 4 meters, 24 divided by 2 = 12

A practical problem in grade five of primary school
There are several ways to cut a 30 cm * 40 cm rectangular paper into a square whose side length is the whole centimeter, and there is no surplus. What is the longest side length of a square?
To find the formula, use short division

30 = 2 × 3 × 5, so the factors of 30 are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5, so the factors of 40 are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40
The same: 1, 2, 5, 10
A: there are four kinds of cutting methods. The longest side of a square is 10 cm

On the application of common multiple and common factor
The sum of a person's rank, score and age is 4074. It is known that he is in junior high school

First, 4074 = 2 * 3 * 7 * 97, then these factors are recombined according to the conditions: 4074 = 3 * 14 * 97, so his ranking is the third place, his score is 97, and his age is 14 years old