The ratio of the two numbers is 3:4, and the sum of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of the two numbers is 52. What is the number ten of the two numbers What are the two numbers? No, ten! Sorry, I have the wrong number.

The ratio of the two numbers is 3:4, and the sum of the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of the two numbers is 52. What is the number ten of the two numbers What are the two numbers? No, ten! Sorry, I have the wrong number.

Let the greatest common factor of two numbers be x, then the least common multiple of these two numbers is 3 * 4 * x = 12x, then: 12x + x = 52, x = 4, so these two numbers are: 3x = 3 * 4 = 12, 4x = 4 * 4 = 16

The greatest common factors of 36, 48 and 72 the greatest common factors of 28, 52 and 36 the greatest common factors of 80, 60 and 45 the greatest common factors of 64, 16 and 32
4. The greatest common factors of 5 and 6 are the greatest common factors of 9, 18 and 36, the greatest common factors of 9, 18 and 36, the greatest common factors of 33, 35 and 88, and the greatest common factors of 5, 9 and 11,

The greatest common factor of 36, 48 and 72 is 12
The greatest common factor of 28, 52 and 36 is 4
The greatest common factor of 80, 60 and 45 is 5
The greatest common factor of 64, 16 and 32 is 16
4. The greatest common factor of 5 and 6 is 1
9. The greatest common factor of 18 and 36 is 9
The greatest common factor of 33, 35 and 88 is 1
5. The greatest common factor of 9 and 11 is 1

The greatest common factor of 52 and 100