What is the greatest common factor of 26 and 65

What is the greatest common factor of 26 and 65

The greatest common factor is 13

The greatest common factor of 65 and 26(
35, 25 and 7

The greatest common factor of 26 and 65 is 13

What is the greatest common factor of 26 and 65?

13. 26=2*13

Finding the greatest common factor of 12 and 13 by short division?

It's like this: (the picture is not good, please understand ~~~~_

How to calculate the greatest common divisor by short division

Short division is to write the common prime factor of two numbers where divisor is written in division, then drop the quotient of two numbers divided by the common prime factor, and then divide them, and so on, until the result is coprime (two numbers are coprime)
When using short division to calculate multiple numbers, the factors of any two numbers should be calculated, and the other numbers without this factor should be left as is until the remaining two are coprime relations
The greatest common divisor multiplies one side and the least common multiple multiplies one circle
(common divisor: also known as "common factor". It is an integer that can be divided by several integers at the same time. If an integer is a divisor of several integers at the same time, it is called their "common divisor"; the largest one in the common divisor is called the greatest common divisor.)