The least common multiple of two numbers is 120 and the greatest common factor is 4. There are several groups of such numbers To say the reason (specific) thank you

The least common multiple of two numbers is 120 and the greatest common factor is 4. There are several groups of such numbers To say the reason (specific) thank you

120÷4 = 30
30 = 1×30
= 2×15
= 3×10
= 5×6
So: there are four groups of numbers: 4 and 120, 8 and 60, 12 and 40, 20 and 24

The least common multiple of two numbers is 120 and the greatest common factor is 4. How many groups are there?

(3,40) (1.120)

The greatest common factor of two two digit numbers is 12, and the least common multiple is 120. What are the two numbers?

Because 120 △ 12 = 10, there are two cases in which 10 is decomposed into two coprime numbers, i.e. 1 and 10, 2 and 5, so the two numbers have several cases: 12 × 1 = 12, 12 × 10 = 120 (in line with the meaning of the topic), 12 × 2 = 24, 12 × 5 = 60 (in line with the meaning of the topic). A: these two numbers are 12 and 120 or 24 and 60

Given that the greatest common factor of two numbers is 4 and the least common multiple is 24, find these two numbers

4 12