How to find the least common multiple of 7,8,56 by short division It's 56, but how to use short division

How to find the least common multiple of 7,8,56 by short division It's 56, but how to use short division

You first draw a short division sign and write 7.8.56 on it. Then you work it out and multiply the number outside the short division sign by 7.8.1. 56 is the least common multiple

The least common multiple of three prime numbers is 165, and these three numbers are______ .

The least common multiple of the three prime numbers is 165. Because 165 = 3 × 5 × 11, the prime factors of 165 are 3, 5 and 11, so the three numbers are 3, 5 and 11. So the answer is 3, 5 and 11