Numbers a and B are coprime numbers. What are their least common multiple and greatest common divisor?

Numbers a and B are coprime numbers. What are their least common multiple and greatest common divisor?

Their least common multiple is their product ab
The greatest common divisor is 1

a. B is a natural number greater than 0. If a = 3b, then their greatest common divisor is______ The least common multiple is______ If a = B, then their least common multiple is______ , greatest common divisor______ If a and B are coprime numbers, then their greatest common divisor is______ The least common multiple is______ .

a. B is a natural number greater than 0. If a = 3b, then their greatest common divisor is B and their least common multiple is a. if a = B, then their least common multiple is a or B and their greatest common divisor is a or B. If a and B are coprime numbers, then their greatest common divisor is 1 and their least common multiple is ab. so the answer is: B, a, a or B, a or B, 1, ab

If two numbers are coprime numbers, then the least common multiple of the two numbers is______ The greatest common factor is______ .

If two numbers are coprime numbers, then the least common multiple of these two numbers is their product, and the greatest common factor is 1; so the answer is: their product, 1

The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 13 and 7
Short division, urgent!

The greatest common cause is several meters
The least common multiple is multiplied by two numbers to get 91