The least common multiple of 7,9,2

The least common multiple of 7,9,2


Least common multiple and greatest common factor of 32 and 24

The least common multiple is 96 and the greatest common factor is 8

A subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, subtracted and difference is 56, the difference is 75% of the subtracted, and what is the subtraction?
Just count

If the subtraction is x, the difference is 75% X
Because subtraction + difference = subtracted
So the subtracted is 75% x + X
So x + 75% x + (75% x + x) = 56

In a subtraction formula, the sum of the subtracted, the subtracted and the difference is 90, and the subtracted is 90______ .

Subtracted + subtracted + difference = 90 subtracted + (subtracted + difference) = 90 subtracted × 2 = 90 subtracted = 90 △ 2 = 45