() / () = 0.6 fill in the figures in brackets /It means divide by

() / () = 0.6 fill in the figures in brackets /It means divide by

(3 )/( 5)=0.6

1,4,3,6,58, (), () according to the rule, what number should be filled in the brackets

1,4,3,6,58,(27),(-55)Y=1*(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)(x-6)(x-7)+ 4*(x-1)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5)(x-6)(x-7)+ 3*(x-1)(x-2)(x-4)(x-5)(x-6)(x-7)+ 6*(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-5)(x-6)(x-7)+ 58*(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-6)(x-7)+ 27*(x-...

() () 58 () 62 () 65 () () find a rule to fill in the number, what to fill in the brackets?
This is a math problem for grade one

(52 )(53 )( 57)58( 61)62( 64)65(66 )(67 )

There are 200 geese in the farm, and the number of geese is 4 / 7 of the number of chickens. How many chickens are there

1 divided by 4 / 7 and multiplied by 200 is 350
Answer 350 chickens

The farm has 6000 chickens, 500 ducks less than two-thirds of the chickens, and 200 geese more than one fifth of the chickens. How many geese do the farms have?
Everybody, big brother, big sister!

Ducks = 6000 × 2 / 3-500 = 3500
Geese = 3500 × 1 / 5 + 200 = 4400

A farm has 480 chickens, 40% less than ducks. The geese are 25% of ducks. How many geese are there

Duck; 480 × 100 △ 60 = 800
Goose: 800 × 25 △ 100 = 200

A poultry farm raised 44000 chickens, 20000 ducks and 16000 geese this year. What percentage of the total number of poultry are chickens, ducks and geese? Use the graph below to make a sector chart

44000 + 20000 + 16000 = 80000 (piece) 44000 △ 80000 = 0.55 = 55% 20000 △ 80000 = 0.25 = 25% 16000 △ 80000 = 0.2 = 20% a: Chicken accounts for 55% of the total poultry, duck accounts for 25%, goose accounts for 20%. 360 °× 55% = 198 ° 360 °× 25% = 90 ° 360 °× 20% = 72 ° the circle center of chicken, duck, goose sector

A poultry farm raised 44000 chickens, 20000 ducks and 16000 geese this year. What percentage of the total number of poultry are chickens, ducks and geese? Use the graph below to make a sector chart

44000 + 20000 + 16000 = 80000 (piece) 44000 △ 80000 = 0.55 = 55% 20000 △ 80000 = 0.25 = 25% 16000 △ 80000 = 0.2 = 20% a: Chicken accounts for 55% of the total poultry, duck accounts for 25%, goose accounts for 20%. 360 °× 55% = 198 ° 360 °× 25% = 90 ° 360 °× 20% = 72 ° the circle center of chicken, duck, goose sector

In a small poultry farm, the ratio of the number of chickens, ducks and geese is 5:3:2, in which 200 chickens and 200 ducks are raised______ Only

200 △ 5 × 3, = 40 × 3, = 120 (ducks), answer: raise 120 ducks, so the answer is: 120

Uncle Li raised 60 fewer geese than ducks last year. How many chickens, ducks and geese are there altogether?

Total 60 / (30% - 18%) = 500
Chicken 500 * 52% = 260
Ducks 500 * 30% = 150
Goose 500 * 18% = 90