What number should be after 1 4 11 27 61

What number should be after 1 4 11 27 61

one hundred and thirty-three
This is the law
2, 3, 5, 7, 11 are prime numbers
Such questions are often asked in civil service examinations what's the next number


The correct answer in brackets is 279

The next number is twice the previous number plus an increasing prime number
So the next number is 2 * 133 + 13 = 279

There are 35 chickens and ducks in the farm, of which chickens are two-thirds of ducks. How many chickens and ducks are there? Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!

Each: 35 △ 2 + 3 = 7
Duck: 7X3 = 21
Chicken: 7X2 = 14

Uncle Zhang has 5 / 3 more chickens than ducks, 300 more chickens than ducks. How many ducks are there? 800 chickens and how many ducks are there

1. Chicken is 5 / 3 more than duck, chicken is 300 more than duck, duck is 300 / (5 / 3) = 180
2. There are 800 chickens and 800 ducks (1 + 5 / 3) = 300

Uncle Zhang has three fifths more chickens than ducks. (1) there are 500 ducks. How many chickens are there? (2) there are 800 chickens. How many ducks are there?
(3) There are 300 more chickens than ducks. How many ducks are there?
Three questions, need to use equation and formula to solve respectively. Thank you~
Sixth grade~
Can do big brother big sister, little sister little brothers, help me~~~

Suppose there are x chickens
X = 500 + 500 × three fifths
Suppose there are x ducks
800 = x + X × three fifths
Suppose there are x ducks
300 = three fifths x

Uncle Zhang raised two fifths more chickens than ducks, and 300 more chickens than ducks. How many ducks are there?


Uncle Zhang raised 300 chickens, ducks and geese, and their number ratio was 7:3:5. How many chickens and ducks did he raise?

Chicken and duck = 300 × (7 + 3) × (7 + 3 + 5) = 200
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Uncle Zhang has 800 chickens and ducks, two seventh more than ducks. How many chickens and ducks are there?

Chicken is better than duck (1 + 2 / 7): 1 = 9:7
Chicken: 800x9 / (9 + 7) = 450
Ducks: 800x7 / (9 + 7) = 350

Aunt Li has 50 chickens and ducks. She sells half of the chickens and buys back 50 ducks. At this time, the number of ducks is three times that of chickens. How many chickens does Aunt Li have?

Suppose: Aunt Li had x chickens and (50-x) ducks,
According to the meaning of the title:
50-x plus 50 = 3 (x divided by 2)
The solution is x = 40