69 10 One day, Uncle Li works 4 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon, processing 1400 parts. If Uncle Li's work efficiency remains unchanged, how many parts does he process in the morning?

69 10 One day, Uncle Li works 4 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon, processing 1400 parts. If Uncle Li's work efficiency remains unchanged, how many parts does he process in the morning?

The total processing time is 4 + 3 = 7 hours, and 1400 parts are processed,
If Uncle Li's work efficiency remains unchanged, so he processes 200 parts per hour, then he processes 200 * 4 = 800 parts in the morning

To process 700 parts, the master processes them in 12 days and the apprentice processes them in 20 days. If the master and apprentice process them together, how many days can they complete the task?

Master processes 1 / 12 in a day
Apprentice processes 1 / 20 a day
Master plus apprentice one day processing (1 / 12 + 1 / 20) = 2 / 15
Because the number of days must be an integer, so ≈ 8

There were 36 employees in a company last year. This year, the number has been reduced to 27. How many percent has the number decreased compared with last year?

36-27 = 9 9 divided by 36 = 25%