1. All odd numbers except 1 are grouped by one, two, three and four circulations: (3), (5,7), (9,11,13), (15,17,19,21), (23), (25,27), (29,31,33), (35,37,39,41), (43),. Then, what are the numbers in the brackets in 2011?

1. All odd numbers except 1 are grouped by one, two, three and four circulations: (3), (5,7), (9,11,13), (15,17,19,21), (23), (25,27), (29,31,33), (35,37,39,41), (43),. Then, what are the numbers in the brackets in 2011?

Take (3), (5,7), (9,11,13), (15,17,19,21) as a group, a group has four sets of 10 numbers, 2011 divided by 4, the remainder is 3, so the 2011 is the third of the 503 group, 502x10x2 + 1 = 10041, so the 2011 is the last of the 502 group, 10041, so the 503 group is (10043)